Thursday, October 27, 2011

Maybe More Frogging, More NaNo, and a Rant

Good morning!! My toes are cold and I'm wearing an unattractive sweatshirt, I love fall!! I need some socks...

I started my leg warmers again, and guess what?? I found my knitting on the floor of the hallway with a bunch of stiches torn out.  Not happy. But it may have been more or less my fault for leaving it unprotected on the couch but still!! How rude! My mom or sister who are the main knitters will look at it soon :)

I wrote a paper on Wuthering Heights. It's the best book about the worst people I love it! You can't stop reading it because the characters are so horrible!! But instead of writing about it's awfulness I wrote about how where they lived (The Moors of England) always gave you a hint of a character's personality, or what was going to happen next, it was awesome.

I've been readying myself for NaNo these last few October days, and I've been getting a little excited!! But how in the sane world am I going to be able to write 50,000 words in a month? *deep breath* At least I already know what I'm writing about! I'm going to rewrite the Grimm's Fairy Tale King Thrushbeard! It's about a snotty princess who has to marry a beggar because her dad is sick of her all around snobbishness. (OMG! Snobbishness is a word!!) I think I'll do ok because I already know how it's going to end, and I got a basic plot. (Thanks Grimm Bros!!!) I have done some of my own character sketches and I think it's going to be amazing!!

I got This from Google Images :)
Are you toes cold? Have you had a craft disaster lately? Have you wrote a super awesome cool paper? What are you doing for NaNo? Are you doing NaNo? Leave me a comment!! Buh-Bye world!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, your nano novel sounds awesome! And I can't wait to see your leg warmers!! :D


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